Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hi, below is the prologue to my book, "Gutless Wonder". I was going to publish the whole thing via the web, but I think I will  just put bits and pieces on here. I am going to share some very personal, at times embarrassing things that happened to me. I would love your comments, but some wounds never heal right so rip my writing all you want, but please be kind about the medical stuff. This is really hard to do, and I am not doing it for love, attention or sympathy. I am doing it for money.
Thanks and Enjoy,

"Let Kingdom Come, I'm gonna find my way, through this lonesome day"
                                                                                                                                ~Bruce Springsteen
    It was the worst shave of my life. Sitting in a chair, barely able to keep my head up, using hospital issued razors and a bed pan for a sink. I could not stop sweating, like I just played an entire N.B.A basketball game,  and I was so tired. I just wanted to lay down and sleep. I finished shaving as quickly as possible. It was the first time I had been out of bed in weeks. The nurse came into the room to check my vitals, and right away she knew that something was off. Maybe it was because I looked like Ted Stryker flying the plane at the end of "Airplane". My heart was racing and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. She helped me into bed and checked my vitals. I don't quite remember what my pulse rate was, but I know it was enough to see the blood drain out of her face. It is one of the few things I do remember from that day. She hit a button in the room and a few nurses came in , then a few doctors. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, and I had no idea what was going on. A doctor came in and told me my pulse and heart were racing. They needed to first slow it down, then find out what was causing it. They would have to open my lung up so I could breathe, then I would need a C.T scan. They stuck a needed into my lung and heart. That gave me some breathe, and then they began rolling me down for the scan. I didn't realize until much later how seriously the situation was. I do remember being bummed for two reasons: I thought I was going to be able to leave the hospital that day, and Wayne's World 2 was on t.v that night.  That was the first time I almost died. But I am getting way ahead of myself. The real story begins exactly one year before.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What it is

Well, I guess I should point out exactly what it is I get treated for every 6 weeks. In December of 2000 I was diagnosed with Colitis. However, it has since been modified to Crohn's  Disease. So here are some links, courtesy of wikipedia, to crohns and colitis, as well as the Crohn/Colitis Foundation of America.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My book.

I will be writing a book over the next few months and publishing each chapter here. Would love your comments and criticisms here. Thanks